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CBT Blog
Reflections on Well-Being, Contentment, Psychological Science, Cognitive Behavioral and other Evidence-based Therapies

Feb 7
How do Core Beliefs Shape Our Thinking?
Core beliefs are deeply held convictions about ourselves, others, and the world. These beliefs act as internal lenses and shape our views.

Jan 3
CBT-I: Therapy for Insomnia and Sleep Problems
Sleepless? One of the most effective and widely recommended treatments for insomnia is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I).

Dec 1, 2024
What is TEAM-CBT therapy?
TEAM-CBT is a framework for providing evidence based psychotherapy developed by Stanford psychiatrist Dr. David Burns, MD.

Nov 8, 2024
Impostor Syndrome: Do I have it?
Many high achieving individuals, despite their objective accomplishments, persist in holding a belief that they are unworthy of success.

Oct 15, 2024
What causes emotional suffering? Needs vs. Wants
All of emotional suffering in the human race comes from us conflating ‘needs’ and ‘wants.’ Let me explain.

Sep 4, 2024
Negativity Bias: How to Shift Your Perspective for a Healthier Mindset
Negativity bias is a psychological phenomenon where negative experiences, thoughts, or emotions disproportionately influence our cognitions.

Aug 20, 2024
What are Core Beliefs in CBT
In CBT, core beliefs are the deepest level of negative thinking patterns. These are fundamental assumptions we hold about ourselves.

Jun 3, 2024
Health Benefits of Walking
Walking can reduce stress, ease anxiety, and combat that nagging desire to do nothing that comes with a clinically significant depression.

May 6, 2024
Depressive Triad: I suck, the world sucks, and it will be like this forever!
When someone is depressed, there are three common themes to the content of their thoughts: negative views of self, the world and the future.

Apr 4, 2024
A Bit about Positive Psychology
What if we didn't have to get unwell to begin with? There is a whole field of psychology focused on that: Positive Psychology.

Feb 29, 2024
Fight or Flight?
See what happens in our body when our brains perceive a possible threat (yes, it is just like it was for our cavemen ancestors).

Nov 20, 2023
CBT Operates Between Stimulus and Response
"Between stimulus and response there is a space" underscores the core principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in empowering change.

Apr 19, 2023
Self-compassion and Psychological Wellbeing
Self-compassion is not about being selfish or self-indulgent. It is about recognizing that we are all human beings who make mistakes.

Apr 6, 2023
Too much Stress? The Yerkes-Dodson Law
Some stress is good. Too little or too much may lead to subpar performance. The question is how to modulate the stress. Enter Yerkes-Dodson.

Mar 17, 2023
Anxiety vs. Fear: What is the difference anyway?
Fear is to anxiety as concrete is to imagined, actual is to forecast, or today is to tomorrow. In CBT, we address both with effective tools.

Feb 28, 2023
Length of Psychotherapy: How long will I be in treatment?
CBT is a focused model of therapy that aims to reduce current symptoms, address specific problems, and build skills in a short time period.

Feb 8, 2023
Empathy: What is it, really?
Empathy is a fundamental ingredient of any psychotherapy treatment. It is so important in TEAM-CBT that it gets its own acronym letter "E".

Jun 2, 2022
Assimilation, Accommodation, and Overaccommodation
How do we interpret the events that happen in our lives? Cognitive theory can help us get a better understanding of how that happens.

May 5, 2022
What do therapists’ credentials mean?
If you’re looking for a therapist and getting confused about what those letters after their names mean, you’re not alone.

Oct 10, 2021
Models for Anxiety Treatment
Evidence-based treatment for anxiety can take several forms. In TEAM-CBT, we categorize anxiety interventions in four groups.

Empowering Change
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
- Viktor Frankl
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